Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Loosing yourself

Ever find that what you use to not allow or tolerate has dramatically changed? Ever feel so torn on the inside that you hurt so deep yet you won't act on it for the sake of trying to keep peace? What peace is this that we long for? I ponder upon the idea of "settling" yet I do not believe that I am, for I know that what I feel is real, it is LOVE. Is Love enough to sustain a relationship, will loving someone bring me to loosing sight of who I am or thought I was. Compromising who you are can lead you to a state of frustration or depression, I am holding on to what I feel is real but I fear that when my cup runs over my ability to communicate maturily will possibly be compromised.

I Love her with every inch of me, but I can not loose me in Loving her.....

Monday, January 28, 2008

Divine Intervention

Often times we look above for guidance, answers, protection, understanding, but what we really find ourselves looking for in the midst of life's "bs" is divine intervention. Never do we pray so hard, never have we cried so much, so easy to live life when everything around you is golden. Then it happens, shit that is, as it always does...and what do we do? we wait for divine intervention, for whatever it is you believe in to step in and provide some level of peace during the storm.
I think the true measure of a man or woman is whether you can "sing" in the rain....well, i am trying but right now i am "hoarse"....

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Fighting For Life

We fight for many things, life, love, work, the preservation of the aforementioned. Yet the struggle to preserve seems to be one that never ends, it is a continual task that shakes one to their very core. I fight to preserve what we have built, she fights to preserve "her point". And as scary as life is, I question what life would be like without her...
I am in love...but is love in me? I try to understand but do I the ability to understand?
So I walk through the darkness of disagreement and find that what 8 years have built is worth fighting for, for if it was not would I be writing, reciting, crying, dying, trying, and sometimes lying?......yeah I said it.....sometimes we contort the truth to fit the circumstance so that others emotion are preserved...."Keep it real" you know you didn't want to know the truth, so what I gave you was a version of what I know is the most you can handle......I digress, for I have only said things to protect you, and I have not said things to intentionally hurt you....This Piscean hurts more than you could ever imagine, this love is worth grabbing and holding on too right?

time will tell...